
时间:2024年12月03日 22:19:28

Lua: getting started

To run Lua programs on your computer, you'll need a standalone Lua interpreter and perhaps some additional Lua libraries. Pre-compiled Lua libraries and executables are availa...

AndLua Android - 萝卜L - 博客园

发贴时间:2021年3月13日 - AndLua+6.6 (english+chinese).apk,按提示升级为6.7。无法(唤起QQ)登陆,很多互动提示身份信息已过期。 【lua语言】零

Lua: license

Lua may be used for any purpose, including commercial purposes, at absolutely no cost. No paperwork, no royalties, no GNU-like copyleft restrictions, either. Just downloadit and ...